Monday, March 29, 2010

I got tagged: Joys, Fears, Goals and Current Obsessions

My friend over at 2Slicks Good Times tagged me in her blog to answer these questions. Since there are not that many questions and I am still getting started on this I figured it might be nice to give you an insight into who I am.


1) I find such great joy in my family. I love growing and changing with my husband. And watching my daughter grow from baby into toddler. Watching her discover life for the first time makes you see things differently too.
2) I really enjoy baking! I love making things from scratch and listening to people ooh and ahh over how good my treats are.
3) I enjoy watching students change their lives just by inviting God into them.


1) I fear that I will look back on my life and wish I would have done it differently. That I would have taken more chances, visited more places, and shown love to everyone.
2) That I will have disappointed my daughter.
3) My husband or daughter dying.

My goals for this year are to lose weight, lower our debt, and become more aware of living in the moment.

Current Obsessions:
Clean Eating, finding projects to do with little miss, blogs, LOST, finding my passions.


  1. I was wondering who might have sent you over to my blog... maybe it was April? I love her. She's so real!!!

    I hear ya on the "living in the moment" goal. I think that's been my goal every year for a decade. I should probably start making some progress, huh?

